Monday, August 13, 2012

Busy day today!

My stepdaughter has flown down to visit for the week. I think she is surprised at the heat. 100+ temperatures sound bad, but you just can't prepare someone for the reality of it. We just try to stay cool inside until evening when the temperatures drop. She is used to us being on the go all the time, and this is quite a change. I took her on a driving tour around town this morning before it got too hot, and to the library to show her the old photos of the town. This town is incredibly historic and has so much to see. The temperatures are supposed to drop later this week, so I'm hoping we can do a walking tour when they do.

We also made the decision today to change realtors. Our house in Ohio has been on the market for almost 6 months, and although we have a contract on it, it still hasn't sold. The contract is with someone that I had known in town for many years, and it is contingent on her selling her house. The house has only been shown 4 times, and 2 of the times were to the same person....the one I brought to the table. Our lawn guy told us last night that someone stopped him in the yard to ask about the house. When he told the prospective buyer to call the number on the real estate sign, they told him that they had tried several times but couldn't get any response. Grrrr. Since we can't buy anything else until the other house is sold, we are stuck renting here and basically putting our full move on hold. I have so much still in boxes that I don't want to unpack until we get to our permanent home that it is driving me crazy!!!! Hopefully a new realtor will speed things up.

Tonight is Meet the Teacher Night at the boys' new school. We've spent a lot of time making sure that they have already met some of the other kids in the school, and I think the boys are excited. I know I am!

We've always been involved in the schools whether it has been volunteering, PTOing, coaching, or doing what needs done. I've felt very isolated this summer because of the heat and lack of things to be involved in. School starting up is the chance to be active, useful, and social again. Hubby has already met more people than I have because he has been helping to coach the cross country track team. I'm looking forward to getting to know others that have the same interest in helping their kids as we do.

It's almost like I've been waiting for real life to start, and we might be getting closer to it.

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